Monday, October 24, 2011

magazine questions

1. Who will your target audience be?
- My target audience are young to middle aged adults (approx. 25+). I am pretty much aiming towards people who are environmentally conscious and have an interest in furnishing their homes accordingly. Urban homeowners?

2. What is the name of your magazine? Why? Connotations?
-sustainable home, natural home, sustainable living, green wood, reclaimed interior, etc. (I haven't thought about this in-depth, but something along those lines.)

3. What will your masthead look like? Do you have any ideas for fonts?
- I want my masthead to look rustic, vintage, or somewhat destroyed but organic. I have found a few typefaces that I included in my moodboard that reflect the theme that I am going for. I went to and downloaded a few free fonts for this project. (Skia, 28 days later, natural log, bright young things, baskerville, mesquite, charlemagne)

4. What images will be on the cover and why?
- I want my cover to be of a piece of natural reclaimed wood furniture in an outdoor setting. I am thinking that I will take the background picture with my digital camera and then incorporate the furniture piece from a scanned image. I want this to be my cover because the magazine is based on reclaimed furniture so I would like it to come off as natural and environmentally conscious.

5. What will be your sell lines to entice your audience?
- Once again I haven't thought about this in-depth yet but they will be on the same lines as the title. "Rethink, relive", "DIY", "Innovative design", "love your home, love the earth" (you get the idea.)

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